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08 Jan 2024 Outlook ESG - Global:2024 Outlook – Green tech, policy and climate finance to drive credit impact
 The document has been translated in other languages

05 Dec 2017 Sector In-Depth Sovereign: Sovereign sukuk issuance gains momentum, with new players entering the market Bahrain, Govern...
Cote d'Ivoire, ...
Ghana, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Islamic Corp. f...
Islamic Develop...
Jordan, Governm...
Kenya, Governme...
Kuwait, Governm...
Malaysia, Gover...
04 Sep 2014 Special Comment Islamic Finance: Sovereign Sukuk: Issuance Rises as New Governments Enter Islamic Capital Markets Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Australia, Gove...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Egypt, Governme...
Hong Kong SAR, ...
Indonesia, Gove...
Islamic Develop...
Jordan, Governm...
Kenya, Governme...
09 Dec 2013 Announcement Moody's: Stable prospects for GCC banks contrast with unsettled conditions in rest of MENA region
 The document has been translated in other languages

Abu Dhabi Comme...
Abu Dhabi Islam...
African Export-...
Ahli United Ban...
Al Ahli Bank of...
Al Hilal Bank P...
Al Rajhi Bank
Alawwal Bank
Amen Bank
Arab Bank PLC
31 May 2013 Announcement Moody's : En Afrique subsaharienne, les probl?mes d'infrastructures demeurent un enjeu majeur African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Ghana, Governme...
Kenya, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Namibia, Govern...
Nigeria, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
31 May 2013 Announcement Moody's says infrastructure deficiencies in Sub-Saharan Africa remain a key challenge African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Ghana, Governme...
Kenya, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Namibia, Govern...
Nigeria, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
03 Oct 2012 Announcement Moody's: Increase in African international debt issuance expected medium to long term African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
03 Oct 2012 Announcement Moody's : Mont?e en puissance attendue de l'Afrique sur les march?s obligataires internationaux ? moyen et long termes African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Egypt, Governme...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
26 Sep 2012 Announcement Moody's : Perspective de croissance stable pour l'Afrique malgré des risques de contagion de la crise de la dette en Europe African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
Trade and Devel...
26 Sep 2012 Announcement Moody's: Stable growth in Africa likely despite transmission risks from European sovereign debt crisis African Develop...
Angola, Governm...
Botswana, Gover...
Mauritius, Gove...
Morocco, Govern...
Namibia, Govern...
Senegal, Govern...
Shelter Afrique
South Africa, G...
Trade and Devel...
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